CEUR-WS.org Timeline 1995-04-07: Manfred Jeusfeld starts the CEUR-WS service under the umbrella of Sun SITE Central Europe. 2001-08-16: CEUR-WS reserves the domain CEUR-WS.org. 2004-02-04: CEUR-WS receives an ISSN number. 2008-09-23: Ruzica Piskac joins the CEUR-WS team as managing editor. 2010-01-27: We have started to assign persistent identifiers (URN) to published volumes. 2010-02-02: Start to use CEUR tags in the index file to allow for automatic extraction of bibliographic metadata. 2011-10-11: CEUR-WS.org is now directly resolved to the IP address of Sun SITE Central Europe. 2012-06-21: Reduce the number of colors used in the CEUR-WS.org style and images. 2013-06-19: Christoph Lange joins the CEUR-WS team as technical editor. 2013-09-25: We started a blog on CEUR-WS.org at ceurws.wordpress.com. 2014-10-06: Volume metadata are being published under CC0 license in the future. 2014-10-07: Ruzica appointed as new publisher; Manfred moved to the new advisory team; Diego Calvanese and Ralf Klamma join advisory team. 2015-01-19: Friederike Klan joins the CEUR-WS team as associate editor. 2015-08-25: Matteo Baldoni joins the CEUR-WS team as associate editor for the AI*IA subseries. 2018-02-05: Start watermarking PDF files for selected proceedings volumes. 2018-03-12: CEUR-WS.org and Technische Universitätsbibliothek (TIB.EU) agree on archiving service. 2018-03-20: Jolita Ralyte joins the advisory team. 2018-10-31: Oliver Kutz joins the CEUR-WS team as associate editor for the IAOA subseries. 2018-11-16: Jelena Zdravkovic joins the advisory team. 2019-02-05: Ilaria Tiddi, Dmitry S. Kulyabov, and José A. Ruipérez Valiente join the CEUR-WS Team as editors. 2019-04-09: Maria Gäde joins the CEUR-WS Team as editor. 2019-05-14: Laura Hollink joins the advisory team. 2019-08-01: CEUR-WS adopts the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 International License for new submissions. 2019-11-20: TIB Hannover started the long-term archival of CEUR-WS volumes; also mirrors new volumes. 2019-11-27: Michael Cochez and Roberto Micalizio join the CEUR-WS Team as editors. 2019-12-01: Friederike Klan resigns from the editorial team and joins the advisory team. 2020-02-16: José A. Ruipérez Valiente leaves the CEUR-WS Team as editor. 2020-03-09: Ilaria Tiddi takes the role of CEUR-WS editor-in-chief, replacing Ruzica Piskac. 2020-03-09: Ruzica Piskac joins the advisory team as vice chair. 2020-03-31: CEUR-WS publishes its own CEURART paper style designed by Dmitry Kulyabov. 2020-04-24: CEUR-WS starts to use the OSticket system for handling submissions. 2020-10-20: Angelo Salatino joins the CEUR-WS Team as editor. 2021-10-23: Anna Kalenkova joins the CEUR-WS Team as editor. 2022-12-14: Maria Hedblom, Davide dell'Anna and Hector Florez join the CEUR-WS Team as editors. 2023-12-14: Fabricio Fornari and Tiago Prince Sales join the CEUR-WS Team as editors. 2024-12-05: Aleksandr Ometov joins the CEUR-WS Team as editor.