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K. Pohl
Home Up M. Jarke K. Pohl A. Sutcliffe C. Rolland P.Y. Schobbens P. Hruschka





Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Klaus Pohl, RWTH Aachen

Klaus Pohl is Akademischer Rat and leader of the requirements engineering and process centered system development group at the Information Systems department of Prof. Dr. M. Jarke at the Technical University of Aachen. He received a masters degree in Informatics from the FH Karlsruhe (1988), a masters degree in Information Science from the Universität Konstanz (1990), and the PhD in computer science from RWTH Aachen in 1995.

Klaus Pohl has extensive research and teaching experience in requirements and software engineering. His current main research interest is in supporting (information) systems development processes, particular cooperative requirements engineering, requirements traceability, process integrated engineering environments, and flexible method support. He was a workgroup leader within the ESPRIT BRA NATURE, is vice chair of the requirements engineering group of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), member of the IFIP requirements engineering working group 2.9 and member of the RENOIR network of excellence. He has served on serveral programm committees (e.g. IEEE Requirements Engineering Symposium, Confernce on Advance Information System Engineering, WITS) and is author of a book on process centered requirements engineering and (co-)author of more than 30 referred papers on requirements engineering and software engineering.

Selected Publications

M. Jarke and K. Pohl. Establishing Visions in Context: Towards a Model of Requirements Processes. Proc. of 14th Intl. Conf. on Information Systems, Orlando, FL, December 1993.

M. Jarke and K. Pohl. Requirements Engineering in 2001: (virtually) Managing a Changing Reality. Joint Special Issue on Software Engineering beyond 2001, IEE Software Engineering Journal 9, 5 (1994).

M. Jarke, K. Pohl, R. Dömges, S. Jacobs, and H.W. Nissen. Requirements Information Management -- the NATURE Approach. Technique et Sciences Informatiques 2, 6 (1994).

M. Jarke, K. Pohl, C. Rolland, and J.-R. Schmitt. Experience-Based Method Evaluation and Improvement: A Process Modeling Approach. Proc of the Intl. IFIP W 8.1 Conference in CRIS series: Method and associated Tools for the Information Systems Life Cycle, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 1994.

K. Pohl, R. Dömges, and M. Jarke. Decision Oriented Process Modeling. Proc. of the 9th Intl. Software Process Workshop, Arlie, VA, October 1994.

K. Pohl and Stephan Jacobs. Concurrent Engineering: Enabling Traceability and Mutual Understanding, CERA Journal, Vol.2, No. 4, 1994.

K. Pohl. The Three Dimensions of Requirements Engineering: A Framework and its Applications. Information Systems 19, 2 (1994).

K. Pohl. PRO-ART: Enabling Requirements Pre-Traceability. Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Requirements Engineering (ICRE ë96), Colorado Springs, USA, April, 1996.

K. Pohl. Process Centered Requirements Engineering. Wiley & Sons, UK, 1996. to appear.

K. Pohl. Requirements Engineering,, Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, Marcel Dekker Inc., Vol. 7, to appear.


M. Jarke K. Pohl A. Sutcliffe C. Rolland P.Y. Schobbens P. Hruschka


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