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A. Sutcliffe
Home Up M. Jarke K. Pohl A. Sutcliffe C. Rolland P.Y. Schobbens P. Hruschka





Curriculum Vitae

Professor Dr. Alistair Sutcliffe, City University of London

Alistair Sutcliffe is a professor of Systems Engineering and director of the Centre for HCI Design at School of Informatics, City University, London, a University accredited centre of excellence for HCI and Software Engineering research with 14 staff and research students. He received a M.A. in natural sciences from Cambridge University, 1974 and his Ph.D. from University College of Wales, 1980.

Alistair Sutcliffe has extensive research and teaching experience in software engineering and human computer interaction. He currently participates in Esprit projects NATURE (basic research in requirements), INTUITIVE (database interfaces), and UK funded projects Knowledge based Browser and DATUM (safety critical assessment). He has also been project coordinator of Esprit project 3160 IDEAL (basic research on explanation dialogues), principal investigator on the SERC funded MAJIC project which successfully developed a JSP program support environment; and a member of the Esprit Amadeus project. He is a member of IFIP working group 8.1 on Comparative Evaluation of Information Systems, founder and secretary of IFIP working group 13.2, Methodology for User Centred Design.

Previous work experience

1978-1979 Executive Officer: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, London

1979-1981 Analyst Programmer: Rank Xerox, U.K.

1981-1983 Senior Analyst: Morgan Guaranty, U.K.

1983-1988 Lecturer: Dept. of Computation, University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology

Selected Publications

N.A.M. Maiden and A.G. Sutcliffe: Exploiting Reusable Specification through Analogy. Communications of the ACM 35, 4 (1992). N.A.M. Maiden and A.G. Sutcliffe: Requirements Engineering by Example: An Empirical Study. Proc. of the 1st Intl. Symp. on Requirements Engineering, San Diego, CA, January 1993. N.A.M. Maiden and A.G. Sutcliffe: Requirements Critiquing using Domain Abstractions. Proc. of the 1st Intl. Conf. on Requirements Engineering, Colorado Springs, CO, April 1994. A.G. Sutcliffe and N.A.M. Maiden: Domain Knowledge for Requirements Engineering. Proc. of the IFIP W. 8.1 Conf. on Information System Development Process, Como, Italy, 1993.

A.G. Sutcliffe and N.A.M. Maiden: Analysing the Novice Analyst: Cognitive Models in Software Engineering. Intl. Journal of Man Machine Studies 36, (1992).

A.G. Sutcliffe and N.A.M. Maiden: Bridging the Requirements Gap: Policies, Goals and Domains. Proc. of the 7th Intl. Workshop of Software Specification and Design, 1993.

A.G. Sutcliffe and N.A.M. Maiden: Domain Modeling for Reuse. Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Software Reusability, 1994.

A.G. Sutcliffe and N.A.M. Maiden: Supporting Component Matching for Software Reuse. Proc of the 4th Intl. Conf. on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Manchester, UK, 1992.

A.G. Sutcliffe, W.J. Black, and W. Loucopoulos: System Specification Semantics: Defining the Knowledge Captured by Structured System Development in Conceptual Models. Proc. of the IFIP Working Group 8.1 Conference, 1989.

A.G. Sutcliffe: Human Computer Interface Design. Macmillan, 1988.

A.G. Sutcliffe: Jackson System Development. Prentice Hall, 1988.


M. Jarke K. Pohl A. Sutcliffe C. Rolland P.Y. Schobbens P. Hruschka


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